I must admit I am quite fascinated with some of these photos even though I am not sure as to which of them are real and are hoaxes. If you do not need to sleep anyway, I present to you these photos. Enjoy!
not sure if she's a witch or a cannibal
probably kept her dead boyfriend
creepy wanderer
om nom nom
my reaction when I first saw 2 girls 1 cup
early Chinese public execution
you came to the wrong neighborhood boy!
how the f**k did that happen?
looks like a human sacrifice
the girl is actually floating
reason why most people are afraid of going down on a basement. Someone's... watching... you...
look at the window
I still think cats are cute
not actually sure if someone was killed on that bed or someone got her first monthly period
abandoned theme parks are always creepy
Chucky's great grandfather
Saturn devouring his son
who's watching who?
yes. Convince yourself.
he's always watching
I think this is actually an artwork of an actual severed hand of a corpse
'til death do us part
poor creature
scary looking girl + spider = nightmare
happy easter!
another reason why basements are scary
wth is this and why?!
no, it's more fun in the Philippines! haha
wtf?! why?! wth?!!!
I.. will.. eat.. your... sooull...
saturn's a titan. lol