Sunday, August 31, 2014

New Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix Features Trailer

Funny Defaced Textbook Photos

funny defaced textbook doodle

Saints Row 4 Is Coming To PS4 and Xbox One!

saints row 4 re-elected remake

Two New Bundles For Wii U Will Be Coming To North America This September!

Check this out, 2 new Bundles for Wii U will be available in North America This September! Both Bundles will cost $299!

Receive A Special Soundtrack When Buy And Register Both Super Smash Bros 3DS And Wii U

Dragon Quest VII Might Come To The West But Square Enix Needs More Convincing

dragon quest 7 america release

Dragon Quest VII might have the largest script in the series and it might be the reason why it has a lot positive feedback and requests from around the world from Dragon Quest fans but, an interview from fujimoto states that its translation might cost a lot of time and resources from the company that is why they aren't sure if they should release it or not outside japan.

Bayonetta 2 Release Date Confirmed!

Don't Worry Karen Gillan, You're Still Attractive

Karen Gillan, the star on the latest hit movie Guardians Of The Galaxy who played as Nebula uploaded a video of head getting shaved for her character.

15 Year Old, Convicted Of Domestic Terrorism For "Swatting" A Rival Gamer Gets 25 Years To Life In Federal Prison

swatting suspect caught

Dead Or Alive 5: Last Round Is Coming To Xbox One And Playstation 4!

Nintendo's Amiibo Plastic Figures Just Look.... Fantastic!

If you never heard of it yet, Nintendo is releasing Amiibo plastic figures to be used for video games similar to what skylanders and disney infinity is doing right now. You might think that this could be a gimmick to rip off money but, no, these figures actually look fantastic and very detailed. I would gladly put these on my desk even if I wouldn't have to use them from any of my games yet.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Fish Spitting "Fireballs" Caught On Camera

fish spit fireball ostracod

Above, we can see a fish that looks like it's spitting fireballs but no,

I Wish I Had A Mildly Convenient Mutant Power

Finally! Nintendo Will Realese Custom Themes For Your 3DS!

3ds custom theme

Monster Hunter 4G Will Get A New 3DS XL Bundle!

monster hunter new 3ds bundle

Monster Hunter 4 will release a new bundle in Japan and guess what,

Check Out All These Face Plates Available For The New 3DS!

I own a plain blue 3DS XL myself and I admit that I feel jealous everytime I see other owners with their own themed 3DS' and I know I'm not the only one who feels that way. Good news, Nintendo Japan is now selling face plate to replace the original face plate.

The New 3DS Won't Be Coming Outside Japan This Year

new 3ds ll xl japan release

Nintendo confirmed that the new 3ds will be coming to Japan on October 11, 2014; however, countries outside Japan will have to wait until next year to get the improved new 3DS system.

Xenoblade Chronicles Is Now Remade For The New Nintendo 3DS!

Yes, it's real! Wii's one of the best JRPG game has been announced to be released as an exclusive for the New 3ds system that has been announced in Nintendo Direct Japan for August! The game also has an upcoming sequel for the Wii U called Xenoblade Chronicles X.

Here's A New Trailer For Bravely Second

Bravely Second is a sequel to the SquareEnix game for the 3ds, Bravely Default. There's no confirmed release date for countries outside japan yet.

Shulk Has Been Revealed In Super Smash Bros!

Shulk, the main protagonist in Wii exclusive and now upcoming 3ds game Xenoblade Chronicles is now announced as a new addition in the new upcoming Super Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS.

Nintendo Announced A New 3ds And It Has A Faster CPU!

Here's a new trailer of the NEW 3DS that Nintendo announced in their latest Nintendo Direct in Japan